I practice a form of meditation called Vipassana. Rooted in the 2500-year-old tradition of the teachings of Buddha, sitting a 10-day course is recommended once a year. I have not sat a course since 2017 and man-o-man, I felt a bit rusty sitting cross legged for 8+hours a day and besides, the -4-degree air temperatures weren't too comforting either. So why do I do it? Because I become a student of myself.
One day of sitting in this technique is like one year of intensive therapy, except the therapist isn't someone outside of your mind, the therapist is a better version of yourself, the Higher Self. That version of me knows what I need to know and sees what I cannot see. And when I am open, as meditation opens up the mind to the truth, sometimes I don't like what I see, sometimes I do. Sometimes I am given insight, sometimes I am chastised! Clearly there's more but for now, that's a start.
I love when the course ends, and I can integrate back into my home life. It's usually a joy to be home, hug my husband, pet the dogs and eat my usual foods. This trip home, I was more grateful than usual, to come home to the ones I love. I so enjoy sharing the good parts of the course, the insights I have gained and making amends of my ignorance.
When my mother was alive, I'd decompress at her house for a day or 2 right after a course. This was the first time when I couldn't go to her house and tell her everything. I realized I miss her presence, her wisdom and especially her humor.
Now that the "work" is behind me, I'm primed to put my best foot forward serving others in real estate sales and real estate coaching. I hope your New Year is off to a good start. If I can be of service to you with your goals and dreams, let's connect.
May all beings be happy, Namaste.
