Welcome to my Coaching for Women in the Real Estate Industry Blog!
Let's talk about managing our minds and our business. A blog for mature women who want to embrace their longings and ambitions before they're 80!
When I turned 50, I was determined to finish a one day, 206-mile bicycle ride which covers 3 western states and 3 mountain passes. I did it. It was also the year I earned more money than any previous years selling real estate. When I look back, I'm amazed at my own accomplishments. I secretly think to myself, "I'm kind of a badass." At that time, I was driven by a desire, a cause and a team. I had discipline and a plan, and I worked it like a top producing agent who walks around the office with a headset and makes prospecting calls standing up.
I've mellowed. Now that I'm in my 6th decade and my hormones and my weight don't fluctuate, I'm far less driven by defeating hard things to prove myself. I set goals, I accomplish things, but now, I live without the raw intensity of a women trying to earn others love and approval. Before I go further, let's pause. Take time out for self-compassion. It's the best medicine. Because really, we can only love others as much as we love ourselves so we might as well start there.
Deciding to go for the thing your heart longs to do, is what I'm here to support my women friends doing. It's really a committed decision away. In this blog, I want to share how I've struggled to do all the things (cooking, cleaning, planning, gardening, caretaking, parenting, and so on and so on, all the things women do to make the world go round, etc.) and still work. In fact, work has been the thing that's kept me from losing track of myself. Work has kept me focused and balanced. It's not just this or that, it's this and that. So, what do want to do with your precious life? What goals or dreams at home or at work do you long to do? Where is your secret badass asking to go?
Coaching is a tool. Coaching is a gift of love to yourself. Make a decision, make a committed decision and let's go there together.
